Tag Archives: Digital Future First

by in Industry News

SEMLEP Business Survey 2019

Introduction and background 1. The South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) has a key role in determining economic priorities for the region in partnership with the Local Authorities and other stakeholders in the area. It also has a role in developing and undertaking activities aimed at driving economic growth and increasing jobs in the […]

by in Business growth

Employment, skills and training

Businesses in the SEMLEP region, especially larger businesses, put a sufficient supply of skilled labour near the top of their concerns. It was one of the top constraints on business growth for businesses with 10 or more staff, and one of the key concerns about the impact of leaving the EU. Furthermore, three-in-ten businesses rated […]


    Digital Future First is part funded by the European Social Fund and led by Supplyant Limited, and co-developed in partnership with Database for Business Limited and the Learning and Skills Academy CIC


    34-35 Duncan Close, Moulton Park Ind Est, Northampton, NN3 6WL


    01604 679097

